The answer to everything

Monday, November 14, 2005

Fuel-Free Car

I'm still researching possibilities on this one, but it doesn't hurt to dream. Does it?

With the rising fuel costs and the planet rapidly running out of fossil-fuel options, the obvious choice is to look at alternatives for transport and all those things we currently require coal/oil for. Main culprit? Our cars. Commuters. Hours in the traffic jams. And don't even get me started on greenhouse gasses and environmental damage!

So a fuel-free car would be the ultimate ideal. And here's a way we could perhaps manage to do just that.

We've all seen solar-powered cars. Those low, silent types that cruise the Outback on their annual race. Looking a bit like large insects, and coated in the maximum carrying-capacity of solar panels. All good and well, but hardly practical for day-to-day travel.

One guy's stuck some solar panels on his Prius's roof. Good start, but the car still needs regular fuel to run. There's a lot of car surface going to waste too, but I'm not going to be picky! ;)

But what if we can cover the entire surface of the car in solar panelling? A bit like this handbag - a mass of solar-collecting technology. Or, even better, will someone please invent photovoltaic paint??? I don't know about you, but my car spends all day outside, and all it collects is a darned hot steering wheel and butt-burning seats. Imagine if that energy could be harnessed, just like solar roof panels do, and stored to be used later.

Now imagine a light-weight car, the body made of plastic instead of metal, so you wouldn't need that much energy to get it in motion or keep it there. Minimal electronics, which don't require power to run (sing instead of listening to music!:) ). Maximum efficiency in tyre design, seating, windows (didn't someone have windows that also collected solar energy, somewhere?).

And finally, the clincher. Add in a nice little wind-power turbine at the front, where you'd usually put your radiator. The faster you go, the more wind-power you generate - all of which adds to your solar power collection, storing up the energy required to get from point A to point B with minimal fuss.

So it may not go very fast. No problem. Less accidents. You save on medical expenses, and you get to actually view your scenery as you pass. Besides - who really wants a car that goes 0-100 in 6 seconds or less? Where the heck are you going to use that other than an airport? Practicality, people, practicality!

I'm pretty sure that all this energy collection would mean you could run the car on nothing but the sun and the wind. Both of which we generally curse instead of actually using to our advantage.

So there you have it. My brilliant idea for a fuel-free car. And if you actually create it, and in turn it makes you millions, be sure to give me both credit and good part of your profits.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK.. see if I got this right..

maximum surface area while having minimum coefficient of drag, induction motor made from recycled star-gate material, uses fans as ram air turbines.. OK so far..?

the one bit I don't get... without using an internal combustion engine, why does it need a radiator?

1:37 AM

Blogger Hirman Kumara said...

please consider this:
- electric car
- magnet electric generator
combine those.... free fuel car

8:06 PM

Anonymous fuel saver for trucks said...

Some times I think, what will happen when the source of petrol will be finish, but after knowing about these alternatives for transport, I feel happy.

10:49 AM

Anonymous Automotive Tools said...

Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. Thank u.

5:41 PM

Anonymous Automotive Tools said...

Just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all.

5:41 PM

Anonymous Daihatsu Terios 4WD said...

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1:40 PM


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